Karen Corbett![]()
ProfileEFT Practitioner Profile: Karen Corbett Former Vice President and Secretary of EFTAP (EFT Australasian Practitioners)
For over 30 years I have worked with survivors of trauma in various capacities. Initially I was invited to speak at schools and deliver workshops to community groups on resilience as a result of my writings about women, children and trauma. This led to teaching journal-writing courses to sole parents who were struggling with the effects of physical and sexual abuse. As a result of this work I began a PhD in trauma studies. During my research I discovered the new trauma therapies that really work. After experiencing the profound relief that these therapies bring, I left my PhD in order to train in the new therapies. The first was EFT which is astonishingly effective. After qualifying in five types of EFT, Master Practitioner with the GoE, specialist EFT for Trauma, Clinical EFT, AccessEFT and Matrix ReImprinting, I began a private practice working with people who had experienced all kinds of trauma. Several years later I found and trained in the complimentary therapies of Havening and TRTP (The Richards Trauma Process – specialist trauma hypnotherapy) have been developed from the latest neuroscience and research into trauma. Together with EFT they completely transform the landscape of healing. While not all therapies suit all people, I have now qualified in 3 of the most effective therapies for trauma: TRTP, Havening and EFT.
Many of the most effective new trauma therapies have their origins in the disciplines of theatre and dance. Moreover, the power of creativity has been If you are having a rough time please know that PTSD and most distress can be effectively treated. Feel free to ring me if you want explore ways to get real relief. Creative Life Karen has a long and distinguished career as an educator, writer, theatre director, dramaturge and performer. In 1997 Karen founded the first Australian undergraduate course in Script Writing for Theatre at the School of Creative Arts, Victorian Collegge of the Arts and later at the University of Melbourne, where she lectured in Creative Writing for ten years. Karen also delivered the first course in Theatre Directing at the Coucil of Adult Education. Among other positions, Karen has held the Chair of the National Stage Committee of the Australian Writers Guild and been appointed to various theatre committees. She has been a competition judge for the AWG and Crash Test Drama. Karen has delivered conference papers on playwriting in Dublin, Chicago and Athens and was the Keynote Speaker at Swinburne University's Creative Writing Symposium. Karen’s first play ‘To the Outside World’ was first produced at La Mama in 1991 and then invited to Anthill later that year where it was reviewed as: She has written on commission and created site-specific works for the Melbourne Zoo, Shire of Melton, the Materials Recovery Facility, Banyule City Council and Bloomsday (Melbourne). Please contact me, I’d love to hear from you.
Skype:karen corbett https://effectivetraumatherapy.com.au/ News
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